The U.S. Capitol building (Photo by Heath Haussamen)
The candidates for New Mexico’s 2nd and 3rd congressional district seats have agreed to two televised debates in the coming weeks, while in the 1st District both candidates have agreed to one televised debate, but the Democrat, Martin Heinrich, has rejected the second.
In the 2nd District, Democrat Harry Teague and Republican Steve Pearce have agreed to debate on Oct. 24 on KOAT-TV in Albuquerque, as have 3rd District candidates Ben Ray Luján, the Democrat, and Tom Mullins, the Republican. Those debates will be at 4 and 6 p.m.
The 2nd District candidates will also take part in a New Mexico First-sponsored debate in the KRWG-TV studio in Las Cruces on Oct. 27 at 7 p.m. The 3rd District candidates will do the same on Oct. 9 in the KENW-TV studio in Portales. Heinrich and Republican Jon Barela will participate in the New Mexico First series by debating on Oct. 15 in the KNME-TV studio in Albuquerque.

Martin Heinrich
Heinrich, however, rejected the invitation to participate in a debate sponsored by KOAT and the Albuquerque Journal, and he’s getting hammered for it.
KOAT’s Doug Fernandez said in this TV report that Heinrich “refused” to participate in the debate. He said Heinrich’s campaign disagreed “with the standard format that KOAT and the Albuquerque Journal have used for years, and it’s the format all the other congressional candidates have agreed to.”
“Heinrich’s camp wanted to limit the debate to just a few issues, but KOAT and the Journal feel strongly that candidates should be able to address a wide range of issues important to New Mexicans,” KOAT’s Shelly Ribando said.
The Journal’s story states that Heinrich “declined after the station refused to limit the scope of the debate to a few topics that would be revealed to campaigns before the debate.” But the New Mexico First debate, the Journal pointed out, “has no limits on subject matter, and questions will be selected the day of the event by people who attend a town hall preceding the debate.”
Barela and the state GOP are accusing Heinrich of ducking debates.
“The fact that a congressman is refusing to debate and defend his record is unbelievable and disrespectful to the voters who are wanting to make an informed choice on who to support in this election,” Barela said in a news release. “Martin Heinrich has a duty to New Mexicans, as an elected representative, to explain his voting record to his constituents, even if it’s comprised of a string of expensive and unpopular votes for higher taxes, spending and debt.”
Heinrich’s campaign spokeswoman, Marsha Garcia, said there’s no ducking of debates.
“In the past week, Martin participated in a debate and a neighborhood public forum with his opponent,” Garcia said. “Martin will participate in several additional debates in the coming weeks, including a televised debate sponsored by New Mexico First and New Mexico Public Broadcasters KNME and another one sponsored by the Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce.”
“Unfortunately it’s not possible for us to accept every invitation, but we will be releasing a debate schedule in the coming days,” she said.