Haussamen is out sick

Heath Haussamen

I’ve been out of town the last few days and fighting a cold. The combination of the two is why you haven’t seen many articles on this week. I’m back in town now, but still sick, so I’m going to have to take today off. I hope to be back to work on Thursday.

In the meantime, here are some links to interesting articles from the last few days, in case you missed them:

• The Albuquerque Journal has been scrutinizing Republican gubernatorial candidate Susana Martinez’s past as district attorney, publishing two articles (here and here) about her office’s purchasing of supplies from a company owned by an employee and another article about Martinez being tops among the state’s district attorneys in giving employees extra pay.

• KOAT-TV in Albuquerque has pulled a TV ad attacking 2nd Congressional District candidate Steve Pearce after the Pearce campaign argued that the ad was false and misleading.

• Some Democrats are crossing the political divide in the secretary of state’s race to support the Republican candidate.

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