Susana Martinez (left, courtesy photo) and Diane Denish (Photo by Heath Haussamen)
Both gubernatorial candidates have said they would end the state’s policy that allows undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses, but neither was willing to tell the New Mexico Independent how they would deal with the fallout of doing that.
The law was instituted to reduce the number of uninsured drivers on New Mexico’s roads, and it has done just that. From the Independent:
“The Independent asked Democrat Diane Denish and Republican Susana Martinez how they would address a potential rise in the state’s uninsured rate and the possible increase in non-licensed motorists on the state’s highways and thoroughfares if the state stopped issuing licenses to illegal immigrants. … Neither answered the questions.”
You can read that article here.
Martinez didn’t provide a statement for that initial article. After the original article posted, Martinez provided a statement to the Independent. But she still didn’t answer the question. Read about that here.