Susana Martinez
In a global economy, the best jobs go to business-friendly states, and getting New Mexico back on track economically starts with enacting the necessary reforms to make our state more competitive with our neighbors. These economic reforms will not only attract new jobs to New Mexico, but will also make it easier for our homegrown small businesses to grow and prosper.
As New Mexicans, we all want to know that our state is operating in a way that is both intelligent and honest. We expect our elected officials to put forward and execute policies that result in the betterment of our state and an improved quality of life for its citizens.
In most people’s minds, that means sound economic policies grounded in respect for the hard-earned dollars of taxpayers. But for the last seven years, what we have seen is the exact opposite approach. State government under the supervision of the Richardson/Denish Administration has been a case study in greed and excess. At every turn, we have seen an insatiable appetite for bigger government resulting in lost jobs, huge budget deficits and investment driven out of state.
New Mexico cannot afford another four years of the same reckless and negligent policies. We must make real, bold changes if we are to get back on track.
Since announcing that I would run for governor, I have traveled our great state and listened to the concerns of my fellow citizens. I have communicated clearly that I believe lower taxes and smaller government are pivotal to our future success. But one element of the message has really seemed to take hold: We can’t do anything until we identify and exterminate the corruption that has led to epic waste, fraud and abuse.
The costs of the criminal and unethical behavior that are running rampant in the Richardson/Denish Administration have left New Mexico with less wealth and capital and seriously damaged the integrity and credibility of our state.
To deliver the kind of bold change we need in New Mexico that will create well-paying and secure jobs and grow our economy for years come, I have developed a five-point plan to end corruption, eliminate waste, make New Mexico competitive, revive our energy sector, and improve the business climate in our state.
Ending corruption
For too long we have accepted pay-to-play politics as the way business is done in New Mexico. It hurts our schools and businesses and leaves taxpayers holding the bag.
Rooting out corruption starts with leadership and setting the tone for the state. We can also challenge corruption by passing commonsense legislation backed by real penalties, such as:
• Eliminating the practice of using “finder’s fees” and contracting consultants by state contractors.
• Increasing transparency in the procurement process by improving the state procurement Web site where all information regarding the process, including current contracting opportunities and information about all awards, will be posted in a user-friendly format.
• Year-round, “real time” campaign reporting of contributions and mandatory e-filing of disclosure documents for public officials and lobbyists.
• Mandatory, random audits of political campaigns.
• Revamping our ethics laws to eliminate conflicts of interest and enhance transparency so that public officials conduct the work of the people rather than concern themselves with personal gains and rewards.
Eliminating waste
The Richardson/Denish Administration has grown state government more than 50 percent over the last eight years. There are now 24.5 state employees for every 1,000 New Mexicans, which far exceeds the national average of 14.3 per 1,000. What we are left with is a bloated, inefficient government staffed by political appointees interested in securing personal advantages and uninterested in advancing policies that move the state forward.
To begin investing taxpayer dollars more prudently and effectively, we must take deliberate and serious action, such as:
• Reducing or eliminating the exempt positions in state government.
• Placing greater reliance on merit, qualification and experience as factors in the hiring of state government positions.
• Creating an online check book where voters can access state spending records in real-time and easily search the database.
• Reforming the capital outlay program to produce greater planning, efficiency, coordination and prioritization that ensures – when appropriate – that those funds can be utilized to stimulate economic activity and job creation.
Making New Mexico competitive
If we are going to grow the economy, New Mexico will have to create a hospitable business environment for people to live, work and invest. States with higher taxes are suffering more in these difficult economic times.
California is a prime example, with one of the highest tax rates in the nation and ranked one of the worst states to do business. Texas, on the other hand, has lower taxes and is a leader nationally with regard to job growth.
Today, New Mexico ranks 16th in the nation in taxes collected per capita. Our neighbors Arizona, Colorado and Texas rank 41st, 45th and 46th, respectively. Instead of continuing to go back to taxpayers forcing them to subsidize the waste and incompetence in state government, we should take steps to reduce misuse of state funds and allow New Mexico to compete on a more level playing field, by implementing policies, such as:
• Zero growth in most areas of our budget until we get our books in order.
• Phasing out job-killing taxes with an eye toward developing a plan to completely reform New Mexico’s tax structure.
• Eliminating the “Back Door” Personal Income Tax increase to ensure we do not increase state income taxes on middle-class families and businesses.
• Lowering tax rates on individuals and families.
• Investing in local businesses and eliminating loopholes that allow out-of-state contractors to qualify as “in state” when bidding on public projects.
Reviving our energy sector
Earlier this year, I detailed in an opinion editorial a comprehensive approach to tackling energy issues we are confronting in New Mexico. We have a unique opportunity to harness our natural resources and position our state as a leader in the energy sector, which will help us reduce our debt and grow our economy creating jobs both today and tomorrow.
The more diverse our energy portfolio, the stronger we will be as a state and nation. New Mexico is 2nd in the nation in natural gas production and 6th in oil production in the lower 48 states. Yet our state was the only one in the nation to see a drop in gas production last year as businesses fled.
Furthermore, we have substantial resources outside oil and gas, including our mineral assets that are part of our strategic economic future. The Richardson/Denish Administration has put these sectors at significant risk with unnecessary and burdensome regulations, chasing away jobs and businesses to other states.
We can be mindful of our environment and conserve it, while being equally as diligent about creating jobs by taking several fundamental steps, such as:
• Reversing the pit rule.
• Encouraging energy producers to act in an environmentally sound way rather than implementing burdensome and restrictive mandates that cost us jobs.
• Encouraging energy producers to invest in new technologies that will not only provide additional environmental protections, but create the jobs of the future.
• Opposing cap-and-trade legislation, which serves as an energy tax on New Mexicans and will only result in decreased investment, higher energy costs and further job loss.
Improving the business climate
If we are going to create jobs in New Mexico, we need to make certain employers understand we are truly “open for business.” There must be a government in place that is willing to work with small businesses to grow the economy and produce employment opportunities.
We cannot compete on a level playing field with our neighbors when we constantly put up restrictions to growth and then ask, where are all the jobs?
As governor, I will make certain New Mexico’s state government partners with business where and when appropriate to create an environment that is conducive to advancement. We can start by taking simple steps, such as:
• Supporting real tort reform so that our businesses and medical professionals aren’t run out of the state by trial lawyers and skyrocketing insurance rates.
• Encouraging expansion and reinvestment so that small businesses can place resources into personnel and/or equipment.
• Streamlining and expediting state government loan programs to small businesses.
• Ensuring there is a customer-friendly business permitting and licensing process.
• Reforming our education system so that we reward good teachers with merit pay, cut waste from the education bureaucracy, expand choice so every parent can send their child to a quality school and enhance truancy programs to reduce the dropout rate.
• Recommitting to vocational opportunities in high school, as well as partnering with local community colleges and vocational schools, to ensure every New Mexico student has the opportunity to receive critical workplace skills and training.
A solid foundation
Only by putting forward pragmatic yet innovative solutions will we get our state back on track. I believe my plan provides a solid foundation to build upon. With hard work, recruiting top talent within our state and dedicating ourselves to free-market principles, we can ensure small businesses stay in New Mexico because government will then serve as an honest broker as opposed to an impediment and liability.
The alternative is continuing with the same, old, tired policies that have failed us over the last eight years and have resulted in the accumulation of a massive debt, enormous growth in government and lost jobs upon lost jobs. Simply put, New Mexico can’t afford four more years of Diane Denish.
The reality is that difficult times demand new thinking and strong leadership, and both those things have escaped the current administration. I will bring bold change to New Mexico that has an exclusive focus on bettering the quality of life of our citizens, and we’ll start by making jobs and the economy priority one in Santa Fe.
Martinez is the district attorney in Doña Ana County and a Republican candidate for governor.