Joe Campos
Democratic Lt. Gov. candidate Joe Campos has picked up a noteworthy endorsement from former Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chávez, while one of Campos’ primary opponents, Brian Colón, is announcing the endorsement of a 9,000-member public education employees’ union.
Both endorsements were announced Thursday evening in news releases. Chávez said Campos “has always impressed me.”
“He’s smart, even-tempered and knowledgeable on the issues,” Chávez said. “Jose Campos is clearly the best choice for lieutenant governor.”
Campos said he was proud to have Chávez’s endorsement.
“We have much in common, both serving as mayors, both dedicated to growing business and creating jobs, and both being responsible stewards of our environment,” Campos said.

Brian Colón
The American Federation of Teachers’ president, Christine Trujillo, said in endorsing Colón that he “understands the importance of quality education for children and job training for recent high school graduates and adults already in the workforce.”
“As chairman of the Democratic Party, he was a tireless advocate for public schools and for teachers,” Trujillo said. “His leadership and willingness to include stakeholders in the policy-setting process has earned our trust.”
Colón said he plans to make education his top priority, so he is “especially honored” by the endorsement.
“Strong schools and training programs are the cornerstone of a strong economy, and I am committed to working collaboratively with all stakeholders to improve performance, decrease drop-out rates and prepare all New Mexicans for success,” Colón said.