Democratic Lt. Gov. candidates Brian Colón, left (courtesy photo), and Lawrence Rael (photo by Heath Haussamen).
Democratic Lt. Gov. candidate Brian Colón raised $156,489.80 from Oct. 1 to April 5, while one of his primary opponents, Lawrence Rael, raised $183.087.77 – a fundraising total that includes $105,000 in loans from himself.
Rael spent $162,175.43 during the reporting period and ended it with $126,195.42 in the bank, according to the report he filed today.
Colón’s fundraising, on the other hand, includes no loans. He reported spending $201,651.91 and ended the reporting period with $205,886.90 in the bank, according to the report he filed today.
Colón also had $14,427.62 in in-kind contributions. His campaign carries no unpaid debt. Rael’s campaign, including the new loans, carries $120,000 in debt. Rael also had $6,151.47 in in-kind contributions during the reporting period.
Finance reports for the other Democratic lieutenant governor candidates, Joe Campos and Jerry Ortiz y Pino, aren’t yet online.
Update, 5:25 p.m.
Rael said in a news release that he’s “honored that so many people have contributed to the campaign and given what they can.”
“We don’t have a handful of donors contributing large amounts, so that means we can remain independent and not beholden to special interests,” he said. “That’s the kind of campaign most New Mexicans want.”
Update, 5:30 p.m.
Colón said in a news release that 80 percent of his contributors gave $250 or less.
“We have received more than 1,500 contributions from more than 1,000 donors from all corners of New Mexico,” he said. “I am especially pleased that so many supporters have contributed more than once as they continue to reinvest in our campaign.”
“In difficult times like these, I’m honored to have so many Democrats supporting our campaign because they share my belief that now is the time to rebuild our economy and invest in public education to help prepare our children for the jobs of tomorrow,” he said.
Update, 11:10 p.m.
Democratic Lt. Gov. candidate Linda Lopez raised $21,039.66 during the reporting period, spent $29,354.88 and ended the period with $5,366.48 on hand, according to her report.
Update, April 13, 1:30 p.m.
Campos raised $90,380.90 during the reporting period, spent $111,266.66 and ended the period with $108,867.58 on hand, according to his report. He had in-kind contributions totaling $17,282.21 and carries unpaid debt of $50,000, which was a personal loan from Campos made during the last reporting period.
Ortiz y Pino raised $53,756, spent $56,820.27 and ended the reporting period with $4,645.94, according to his report. He had in-kind contributions totaling $12,700.