A screen shot of the online video of Anthony Trustee James Scott talking to a News Channel 9 reporter.
Thought the days of politicians pulling guns on each other in the Wild West were a thing of the past? Think again.
A man who was elected Tuesday to be one of four members of the Town of Anthony’s Board of Trustees apparently pulled a gun on the husband of another trustee candidate two days before the election.
News Channel 9 in El Paso has the full story. You can watch it by clicking here.
Basically, James Scott, who was elected to the board of trustees on Tuesday, accused Municipal Judge candidate Ann Francis Hernandez of knocking down one of his wife’s campaign signs on Sunday. Peggy Sue Scott was running against – and ended up defeating – Hernandez on Tuesday.
After the sign incident on Sunday, Hernandez was on her way to a party at the home of trustee candidate Eva Rangel, who lives next door to the Scotts. Rangel, who lost the election, told the TV station her husband went next door to tell the Scotts that Hernandez was coming over, and when he knocked on the door James Scott answered with a gun.
Rangel told the TV station James Scott pointed the gun at her husband.
“The reason I pulled the firearm was because I didn’t know who I was dealing with. There were a bunch of people that I didn’t know who didn’t look like they were the most upstanding citizens hanging around,” James Scott told the TV station.
News Channel 9 reported that police are investigating, and quoted James Scott as saying the gun wasn’t loaded and police won’t charge him because he was threatened on his own property.
Click here for the full results from Tuesday’s election, the first for the newly incorporated town. Note: The TV station’s video report incorrectly called James Scott a mayoral candidate, rather than a trustee candidate.