Most voters in poll give Luján a thumbs-up

Ben Ray Luján

The majority of those who voted in last week’s non-scientific poll on this site said they approve of the job Ben Ray Luján is doing as U.S. representative for the 3rd Congressional District.

Of 1,008 voters, 752, or 75 percent, said they approve of the job he’s doing, while 247, or 25 percent, said they do not, and nine voters, or less than 1 percent, said they don’t know if they approve.

Of course, many more votes were cast in this poll than usual. Maybe that’s because someone organized Luján supporters (and, to a lesser degree, Luján opponents) to get out the vote. Maybe it’s because someone manipulated the poll. That’s a big part of the reason these polls are non-scientific. Fun only. Don’t read too much into them.

And don’t forget to vote in this week’s poll, located at the top of the left column on the home page.

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