Photo by Kevin Steinhardt/flickr.com
Two pieces of legislation that would expand webcasting in the Senate have been awaiting – but not yet receiving – hearings in the Senate Rules Committee.
In fact, neither Senate Resolution 1, sponsored by Majority Leader Michael Sanchez, D-Belen, or Senate Resolution 4, sponsored by Eric Griego, D-Albuquerque, has yet to appear on the committee’s ongoing calendar – and two-thirds of the session has already passed.
In addition, a third piece of legislation that would expand webcasting – House Joint Memorial 15, sponsored by Rep. Jeff Steinborn, D-Las Cruces – passed the House today and is also headed for the Senate Rules Committee.
Griego, whose bill would expand audio and video webcasting to include Senate committee meetings held during sessions, said he hopes Rules Chair Linda Lopez, D-Albuquerque, schedules a hearing on his legislation soon.

Linda Lopez
“The public has a right to see how decisions are made up here. Webcasting committees in both houses is crucial to our transparency efforts,” Griego said. “I hope the Senate version of the bill is given a fair hearing soon.”
A resolution similar to Griego’s, also sponsored by Steinborn, passed the House earlier this month, and official webcasting of House committees has already begun.
Sanchez’s bill would expand video webcasting from the Senate floor to include multiple cameras instead of the one that’s currently used. And Steinborn’s joint memorial would expand webcasting to include interim committee meetings.
I sent Lopez a message to ask when the bills will be scheduled for hearings. You’ll know if I get a response.
Update, Feb. 9, 8:05 a.m.
As of this morning, Sanchez’s resolution has appeared, for the first time, far down on the list of bills waiting to be heard by the committee. Griego’s isn’t yet on the list. Neither is Steinborn’s.
Historically, bills far down on the list usually don’t get heard for days.