Photo by Kevin Steinhardt/flickr.com
Without debate, the Senate Rules Committee today gave a do-pass recommendation to a memorial that would direct Legislative Council Service to begin webcasting interim committee meetings.
House Joint Memorial 15, sponsored by Rep. Jeff Steinborn, D-Las Cruces, now heads to the Senate Public Affairs Committee before it can be voted on by the full Senate.
The memorial, which was passed today as part of a consent calendar vote, would direct legislative staff to implement webcasting of interim committee meetings held around the state except where technological barriers prevent it. Because it’s already passed the House, the legislation would be enacted if it makes its way through the Senate.
The session ends at noon on Thursday.
Still lingering in Senate Rules without being scheduled for a hearing is Sen. Eric Griego’s legislation – Senate Resolution 4 – which would expand webcasting to include Senate committees. And awaiting a hearing on the Senate floor is Senate Resolution 1, sponsored by Majority Leader Michael Sanchez.
Because Rules Committee Chair Linda Lopez hasn’t scheduled Griego’s legislation for a hearing, Griego intends to propose his resolution be added to Sanchez’s as an amendment on the Senate floor if Sanchez calls his own resolution up for a hearing.