Lawrence Rael
Lawrence Rael became today the first candidate in the lieutenant governor’s race to spend money on television ads. The Democrat is out with an ad that focuses on his “ability to build relationships for a better New Mexico,” according to a news release.
The campaign didn’t immediately make the ad available for embedding in this posting, but you can view it on Rael’s Web site.
The ad is airing on network television in the Albuquerque market and on cable throughout the state, according to the news release.
“Most people around the state already know Lawrence’s strong record of achievement,” said Steve Wedeen of Vaughn Wedeen Kuhn, the Albuquerque-based agency that produced the spot. “What we wanted to show was the unique power of his leadership, from his personal warmth to his integrity and commitment. We wanted to show Lawrence up close for the voters to see.”
Rael is running in the Democratic primary against former state Democratic Party Chairman Brian Colón, State Rep. Joe Campos of Santa Rosa and state Sens. Linda Lopez and Jerry Ortiz y Pino of Albuquerque.
Five Republicans have announced their candidacies for lieutenant governor — state Sen. Kent Cravens of Albuquerque, 2006 Republican gubernatorial candidate J.R. Damron, former state Rep. Brian Moore of Clayton, 2002 Republican gubernatorial nominee John Sanchez and Albuquerque nurse Bea Sheridan.
Update, 5:05 p.m.
Here’s the ad: