Wendy Amato
Wendy Amato, who declared her candidacy for mayor of Carlsbad last week, says if she wins on March 2 she would become the first woman elected to the position.
A former civilian logistics manager for the Navy in Guam, Amato said she wants to make Carlsbad into a green city, develop ecotourism and attract the alternative energy industry, which she said will will create high-paying jobs for residents.
“I’m running for mayor because I believe in the incredible potential of Carlsbad to become a model green city, which would increase jobs and tourism,” Amato said.
The community activist said she believes Carlsbad is the state’s “hidden gem.”
“We can increase eco-tourism and capitalize on our sunshine to develop algae for biodeisel and perhaps solar farms. The potential for ‘green jobs’ here is endless,” she said.
Amato, who has a master’s degree in counseling and educational psychology, moved to Carlsbad two years ago from Guam, where she worked for the Navy’s Space and Warfare Command.
Last year, Amato initiated a city-wide mural program and led a team to decorate the trash bins along the river park with petroglyph designs.
Amato, who was recognized last fall by the Democratic Women for “Outstanding Service and Leadership,” has spent time tutoring, teaching dance classes and reading to preschoolers at the library, and said, in a news release, that she facilitates drum circles.
Amato joined a crowded field in the race, and will face City Councilor Jeffrey Diamond, Dale Janway, Roosevelt Armendariz, Tom Mathis and Garry Adams.
Martin Mills will not appear on the ballot due to a discrepancy in his filing paperwork, but will be able to run as a write-in candidate.
Incumbent Mayor Bob Forrest is not seeking re-election.
St. Cyr is a contributing writer for this site and a reporter at 770KKOB.com. He can be reached at peter.stcyr@gmail.com.