Javier Gonzales
When Javier Gonzales was named chairman of the state Democratic Party in September, I reported that he worked for Santa Fe Studios. Several of you e-mailed me at the time to ask what that was.
The Albuquerque Journal answered that question this weekend. It’s a taxpayer-funded project to build a movie studio in Santa Fe. But the story is much more interesting than that. From the Journal:
“It sounds like a pretty sweet deal.
“State government gives you $10 million and local government loans you another $6 million to build a movie studio.
“You’ve bought a site, also from the county, but you don’t have to start paying for it until you start creating jobs.
“Your only contributions up front for the studio, expected to cost $18 million to $20 million to build, are the construction design, your experience in the film world and posting collateral equal to one-third of the county loan.
“That’s the arrangement made by a company led by a couple of Hollywood veterans, with help from prominent local politico Javier Gonzales, a former Santa Fe County commissioner and currently state Democratic Party chairman.
“Backers of Santa Fe Studios say the economic benefits of the new development, to be located south of the City Different, will more than justify the millions in public financing for the two-stage, 40,000-square-foot facility.”
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