Most voters in poll give Herrera a thumbs-up

Mary Herrera

Mary Herrera

The majority of votes cast in last week’s non-scientific poll on this site came from people who said they approve of the job Mary Herrera is doing as secretary of state.

Of 568 voters, 339, or 60 percent, said they approve of the job Herrera is doing, while 211, or 37 percent, said they do not, and 18, or 3 percent, said they don’t know.

Herrera’s win – if you want to call it that — came after she sent a mass e-mail to supporters on Wednesday labeling this site “a Republican blog” and asking people to vote in favor of approval in the poll.

A Republican blog? I didn’t realize that reporting on her office’s difficulties with creating and maintaining a campaign reporting Web site made me partisan.

As if…

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