Adam Kokesh
Adam Kokesh, a Republican running for the 3rd Congressional District seat held by Democrat Ben Ray Luján, says he raised more than $100,000 from July to September.
The campaign said that was more than any Republican candidate for the seat has ever raised during his first quarter in the race.
“Our supporters are simply amazing. With people like them doing as much as they did, there is no doubt in my mind that we can win,” Mark Johnson, Kokesh’s fundraising coordinator, said in a news release.
Kokesh’s finance report is not yet available online. Neither is Luján’s. Both must be filed with the Federal Election Commission by Thursday.
The Kokesh campaign said nothing about how much Kokesh spent during the quarter or had on hand at its end. The campaign did say it raised most of its money online, with more than 200 donations of an average of less than $100 apiece.