Arnold-Jones, shown here webcasting a legislative committee meeting earlier this year. (Photo by Heath Haussamen)
Republican gubernatorial candidate Janice Arnold-Jones raised just under $21,000 during the last reporting period.
Arnold-Jones, according to her campaign finance report , had almost $2,200 in in-kind contributions from May to October in addition to the almost $21,000 she raised in individual contributions.
She spent a little less than $13,000 and ended the reporting period with a little more than $8,000 on hand.
Arnold-Jones didn’t start raising money until the end of July.
Regardless, her on-hand cash at the end of the reporting period is far below that of her opponents. Allen Weh reported having $372,164.30 on hand. Doug Turner reported having $211,000 on hand. Susana Martinez reported having $130,658 on hand.