Steve Komadina
I wrote Wednesday that not all Republicans are waiting for Heather Wilson to decide whether she’s going to run for governor before they pledge support to other candidates.
Today, Republican gubernatorial candidate Allen Weh backed that up by trotting out the endorsement of his candidacy by former state Sen. Steve Komadina, R-Corrales.
Komadina, a doctor and Navy veteran, said in a news release that Weh’s experience in business and the military make him the best candidate to lead New Mexico.
“Allen Weh is the most qualified candidate because he knows how to run a business; he knows how to meet a monthly payroll,” Komadina said. “Most of all, he loves this state, and he loves this country — and he has proven that through his service to our country.”
Komadina called Weh “a doer, not a talker. He’s not afraid of adversity. He’s not afraid to stand up for what’s right. And there’s absolutely no question that he’s the most qualified candidate in this race.”
Weh said he’s pleased to have the support of Komadina, who served in the Senate from 2000 to 2008 and is a former president of the New Mexico Medical Society.
“He was one of the finest minds in the Legislature when he served there, and I value his advice,” Weh said.