Most would call me ultra-conservative

This is one of several guest columns that were submitted in response to this question: How do you identify yourself politically (liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican, Green, Libertarian, independent, something else or none of the above) and what does that mean to you?

By Shan Nichols

Labels mean nothing to me when it comes to political descriptions. I describe myself, simply, as an American.

America is under the most serious and vicious attack I have witnessed in my lifetime. This attack is not coming from another country but from within. I am convinced there is a purposeful and systematic plan to bankrupt us, diminish our defense, control our medical care and the information we receive, infiltrate and destroy private enterprises and, eventually, to control even our food supply… all under the guise of being “for our own good.”

To overcome this attack, I believe we are going to have to forget about the labels that separate us. Labels of Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green and independent are going to have to be put aside with concentration on a common effort as Americans. Only when we all begin to put our country first and our selfish motivations last will we be able to begin to reject the insidious influences and pressures that are destructive to our country, our beliefs, and our very way of life.

When we begin to unite as “Americans” and begin to elect common-sense legislators, we will have a chance to again be the strong leader of the free world that we once were.

I have lived in Las Cruces since 1949. Since then, I have had 50 years of experience in various businesses, spent about forty years as an R.N., and have had about 18 career experiences. “Life” has forced me to be versatile and pragmatic, so I guess most would call me ultra-conservative.

Nichols lives in Las Cruces.

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