What do you think about a Teague/Pearce matchup?

We’ve known for months that Republican Steve Pearce is looking at running for governor or his old congressional seat next year. The Washington publication CQ Politics takes a look, in a new article, at whether, now that Pearce is no longer the incumbent, he could topple U.S. Rep. Harry Teague, D-N.M.

Read the article and you’ll find out what I think about the possibilities. The bottom line is that I don’t see Pearce running for governor after his last shellacking in a statewide race. So a Teague-Pearce matchup is a real possibility.

Which raises a number of questions: Can a former incumbent beat a current incumbent? Can a moderate Democrat hold a Republican-leaning seat against a conservative Republican? What does Teague need to do to hold the seat? What does Pearce need to do to take it?

Open forum. Tell us what you think in the comments section at the end of this posting.

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