Republicans comment on housing indictments

Friday’s indictments in the housing authority scandal revealed “another dark day for New Mexicans,” potential Republican gubernatorial candidate Allen Weh said in a statement released by his campaign.

Weh was one of two Republicans who were quick to put out statements in response to the indictments.

“Entrenched politicians who abuse their positions and our tax dollars have once again given all of us a black eye. Corruption at the highest levels of government will be the biggest issue in the 2010 campaign,” Weh said. “It’s time to elect leaders who will work with the attorney general, the U.S. attorney and all law enforcement agencies to root out corruption at every level. If I’m governor, you better believe I’m going to clean house.”

The second statement came from Harvey Yates Jr., chairman of the Republican Party of New Mexico.

“This indictment reinforces a growing sentiment that we need to reverse the path on which this state is headed,” Yates said. “For far too long, self-serving political insiders have exploited, at taxpayers’ expense, their positions for personal or political gain.”

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