Paul urges backers to help NM congressional hopeful

An Iraq war veteran and anti-war activist who is considering challenging U.S. Rep. Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M., next year is getting some help from a politico whose followers are among the most enthusiastic around.

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas and a former presidential candidate, sent an e-mail to his supporters today urging them to help Adam Kokesh, who has formed an exploratory committee as he considers running against Luján. Paul suggested supporters give money, volunteer to help or pass on information about Kokesh to friends and family.

“Adam Kokesh has been a tremendous supporter – of both me AND you! As a leader of Iraqi Veterans Against the War, Adam has spent years traveling the country to spread our message of peace, a strong national defense and limited government,” Paul wrote in the e-mail. “Adam has tremendous credibility because of his service in the United States Marine Corps and I have deep respect for his commitment to principle.”

Paul wrote that sending Kokesh to Congress “would be a tremendous victory for the Freedom Movement, and if we come together and stand behind him, he has a real chance to win.”

Kokesh has been active in Paul’s Campaign for Liberty, and his involvement there led others to form a Draft Kokesh movement to encourage him to run for Congress. He formed the exploratory committee earlier this month.

Kokesh hasn’t yet decided whether, if he runs, he will run as an independent or as a member of a political party, but he has drawn some support from the right and left. In addition to his anti-war stance, Kokesh’s blog indicates his support for some traditionally libertarian policies, as does the backing he’s receiving from Paul.

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