Ortiz y Pino enters race for lieutenant governor

The 2010 Democratic primary race for lieutenant governor got its third official candidate today when The Santa Fe New Mexican reported that state Sen. Gerald Ortiz y Pino is jumping into the race.

Ortiz y Pino, D-Albuquerque, told the newspaper that, having been a senator only since 2005, it would take him years to gain influential legislative leadership positions.

“I think if I’m going to have more of an impact, I should run for lieutenant governor,” Ortiz y Pino was quoted as saying.

“I think it would be great to work with (Lt. Gov.) Diane Denish,” the newspaper quoted him as saying about the already announced 2010 gubernatorial candidate. “I have no ambitions beyond that. I’m not aiming to be a (U.S.) senator or governor.”

Ortiz y Pino is the third Democrat to jump into the race. Santa Fe County Sheriff Greg Solano and State Sen. Linda Lopez, D-Albuquerque, have also announced their candidacies. Others considering entering the race for the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor are state Auditor Hector Balderas, New Mexico State University Regent Javier Gonzales and Lawrence Rael, who heads the Mid-Region Council of Governments.

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