Arnold-Jones considering running for guv, Congress

State Rep. Janice Arnold-Jones, R-Albuquerque, says she’s seriously considering whether to run for governor, Congress or re-election to her legislative seat next year.

And she knows the clock is ticking as others are making decisions.

“People keep telling me every day that I don’t make a decision is a day that I can’t get back,” Arnold-Jones said in an interview.

She said she is weighing her chances of winning either of the high-profile races against the opportunity she currently has to push for change in the state Legislature.

“While I would like to run for governor, there’s a real practical issue here that I’m weighing,” Arnold-Jones said.

Asked why she wants to run for governor, she said she is “interested in making sure that the system and the entities of state government serve people.”

Arnold-Jones considered running for the First Congressional District seat last year but ultimately opted to seek re-election to her state House seat after she failed to raise as much money for a potential congressional run as she thought she needed to be successful.

Arnold-Jones’ stature increased earlier this year when she led the very public charge to bring webcasting to the state Legislature. For her work on that issue, the Santa Fe Reporter nicknamed her “Lady Sunlight.”

So what steps is Arnold-Jones taking to figure out what she’s going to do?

“I am asking questions, visiting folks and engaging in strategic thought processes about the offices in which I have an interest and weighing my ability to actually get elected to that office,” she said.

Stay tuned.

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