Yates: Want less scandal? Vote GOP

The chairman of the Republican Party of New Mexico says the indictment of Public Regulation Commissioner Jerome Block Jr., a Democrat, is another reminder of the importance of a strong two-party system.

“Jerome Block’s indictment serves as yet another example of how the Democrat grip on the state of New Mexico has eroded trust in public officials,” said GOP Chairman Harvey E. Yates Jr. “Citizens of this state deserve elected officials who are honest and promote transparency, not officials who abuse their position for personal gain.”

“Superficial changes to the political establishment in this state will not resolve the underlying issue,” he said. “What we need is a true two-party system which will bring checks and balances to our government.”

Republican officials have complained for years that Democrats have controlled state government for several decades, and said that unchecked power is the primary reason for corruption scandals that have recently plagued the state and Democratic Party.

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