Rugby is out: Sen. Keller is doing things differently

Sen. Tim Keller wants you to know he’s no Shannon Robinson.

Keller, an Albuquerque Democrat who recently completed his first session, put out a news release today highlighting a big difference between him and the incumbent he unseated in last year’s primary: Keller has redirected $1 million in capital outlay money Robinson had allocated for projects “that were either of tangential importance to our community, earmarked for special projects outside our district, no longer feasible or irresponsible,” the release states.

“Traditionally, capital outlay funds are used for community projects, schools, roads in legislator’s respective districts and other projects the legislator deems important,” Keller’s news release states. “However, upon investigation of historical District 17 capital outlay, approximately $1,057,000 was deemed not in line with community priorities.”

That included $656,000 Robinson had allocated for a “rugby field concession stand in Santa Fe,” Keller’s release states.

So, in the session that ended last month, Keller redirected that $1 million to projects in his district including school buildings and equipment, street and lighting improvements and a veteran’s integration center.

“I am proud to return these monies to the southeast heights community, our schools and projects important to our district,” Keller said in the release.

Robinson took heat on this site and elsewhere during last year’s primary for pumping taxpayer money into a college rugby club he coached and for failing to publicly disclose dozens of misdemeanor charges he has faced since 1988.

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