Kintigh plans to webcast Judiciary on Wednesday

State Rep. Dennis Kintigh plans to webcast meetings of the House Judiciary Committee beginning Wednesday after the committee’s chairman, Rep. Al Park, D-Albuquerque, approved it today.

Park was “VERY positive” about Kintigh webcasting the committee’s meetings, Kintigh wrote today in an e-mail. The Roswell Republican tried to start webcasting live audio and video from the committee today, but a technical issue prevented it. He’ll try again on Wednesday.

The committee is scheduled to meet on Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. or sometime after the House floor session ends. Click here to keep an eye on the committee’s agenda. Click here to check out Kintigh’s webcast. Once he begins webcasting, that link will also take you to archives of meetings.

Kintigh has said he also hopes to begin webcasting the meetings of the Health and Government Affairs Committee at some point.

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