Feldman wants Senate to vote on Cervantes’ bill

Sen. Dede Feldman asked to delay a hearing earlier today on a proposal to open conference committees and other legislative meetings to the public because she wants the Senate to consider another bill instead of hers.

So the Albuquerque Democrat is trying to get Majority Leader Michael Sanchez, D-Belen, to bring up for debate House Bill 393, sponsored by Rep. Joseph Cervantes, D-Las Cruces, instead of her Senate Bill 737, she said.

Cervantes’ bill passed the Senate Judiciary Committee this morning, so it’s on the Senate floor but has not been scheduled on the calendar. Feldman’s bill is No. 2 on today’s calendar and was called up for debate by Sanchez earlier today, but Feldman asked for a brief delay.

That has turned in to a long delay. Feldman said, via text message, that there are now “troubles with the majority leader scheduling.”

Cervantes’ bill has already passed the House, so Senate approval would send the bill directly to the governor, who has supported the concept of opening conference committees in the past but hasn’t specifically endorsed this year’s proposal. Though Feldman’s bill is identical to that sponsored by Cervantes, it has not passed the House, so it would have to be referred there before it could go to the governor.

With time running out on the session (it ends at noon on Saturday), it makes sense for those who want to move the proposal quickly to try to secure a Senate vote on Cervantes’ bill instead of Feldman’s.

I’ve been unable to reach Cervantes for comment.

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