Zanetti, Weh considering running for governor

Former U.S. Reps. Steve Pearce and Heather Wilson aren’t the only Republicans openly considering running for governor in 2010.

Greg Zanetti, an Albuquerque financial adviser and New Mexico National Guard brigadier general, is establishing an exploratory committee this week, he was quoted by the Albuquerque Journal as saying. And Allen Weh, former chairman of the Republican Party of New Mexico, indicated to the New Mexico Federated Republican Women at their state convention in Santa Fe on Friday that he plans to form an exploratory committee after the legislative session ends next month, sources with knowledge, including an attendee of the convention, confirmed.

Pearce and Wilson have been openly considering the race, and either would make a formidable candidate in a GOP primary. But there’s an opening for another candidate to make a strong case as an alternative to former elected officials who lost races in 2008 if he or she gets in early and builds a strong organization.

Zanetti, 50 and the husband of former state Rep. Teresa Zanetti, is ready to try.

“I strongly believe that we need to restore trust in government here in New Mexico,” he was quoted by the Journal as saying. “… I understand finance. I have worked in the financial sector for 22 years and know what needs to be done to restore prosperity to our pension funds and state finances.”

Zanetti, a former Bernalillo County GOP chair, ran unsuccessfully for lieutenant governor 15 years ago.

Weh, meanwhile, has a reputation as a strong fundraiser who helped the GOP keep up with the Democrats financially through the last few election cycles. However, under his watch, the GOP lost further control of state government and local governments in areas such as Las Cruces.

On the Democratic side, the only announced 2010 candidate for governor is Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, who has more than $1.75 million on hand already. Actor Val Kilmer has hired a public relations firm as he considers whether to jump into the primary race against Denish.

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