Senate Rules meeting to be webcast today

This article has been updated.

The New Mexico Independent will once again webcast the meeting of the Senate Rules Committee this morning.

The webcast is part of a continued attempt to shine light on the debate about ethics reform in the New Mexico Legislature. Several reform bills are currently being considered by the committee.

The Independent has webcast the committee’s last two meetings. A week ago, the committee left a proposal to expand the state’s public financing system in limbo but gave a do-pass recommendation to a bill that would establish a process for the forfeiture of retirement benefits for state employees and state retirees convicted of felonies “arising from conduct related to” their public employment.

On Monday, the committee gave a do-pass recommendation to a bill that would require that candidates file reports of expenditures and contributions twice a year in off-election years. Currently, the law requires that annually.

And committee members discussed at length proposals to prohibit lawmakers from becoming lobbyists for one year after they leave office and to ban campaign contributions from state contractors and prospective contractors, or at least require the disclosure of such contributions.

Committee substitute bills that reconcile differences between the various bills related to each proposal are likely going to be introduced today by the committee. But there are a few confirmations on the agenda before the committee will begin considering legislation, so it’s uncertain how much time will be left for ethics reform.

The meeting is scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. Click here to visit the Independent’s Web site and join the webcast and accompanying online chat. (By way of disclosure, I also write for the Independent.)

Update, 10:45 a.m.

The webcast and meeting are over. Here’s the archive of the chat:

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