Guv skips DC meeting with Obama

Most of the nation’s governors are in Washington this weekend to meet with President Barack Obama and discuss how they’re spending their chunks of the stimulus package. Notably absent from the events: New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson.

The National Governors Association winter meeting kicked off on Saturday with governors outlining their plans to spend the cash and meet with some of Obama’s cabinet secretaries, the Washington Post is reporting. Tonight, they were to attend a black-tie dinner at the White House. Tomorrow morning, they will meet with Obama.

But, the Post reported, Richardson didn’t make the trip. The newspaper couldn’t help but note the context: Richardson “withdrew in January as Obama’s commerce secretary nominee amid a federal ‘pay to play’ investigation.

Two Richardson spokesmen have not responded to an e-mail asking why the governor isn’t in Washington for the events.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is also skipping the events, the Post reported.

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