Yates announces candidacy for GOP chairman

Harvey E. Yates Jr. has formally announced his candidacy for chairman of the Republican Party of New Mexico.

The oil giant’s candidacy had been previously known, but he formally announced it Wednesday in a letter to members of the party’s state central committee, who will select new officers at a meeting on Saturday in Albuquerque.

“You will remember that Ronald Reagan once said, ‘…man is not free unless government is limited.’ That is true, and it is also true that the transfer of more and more power to government enhances the opportunity to engage in corrupt ‘Pay to Play’ activities by those who have no integrity,” Yates wrote in the letter.

“Yet, today, we are faced with an increased liberal majority in our state legislature whose orientation is toward increasing the power of government and diminishing the rights of individuals,” Yates wrote. “To defeat them we are faced with daunting challenges. But, if we bind the wounds within our party and work together, we have the opportunity to save New Mexico for those who know that limited government is the most likely route to freedom and prosperity.”

Yates already has the endorsements of several big-name Republicans including Pete Domenici, Heather Wilson and Steve Pearce. Still, he will apparently face at least three other candidates for the chairmanship at the meeting. The most formidable appears to be Farmington doctor Allen McCulloch, who ran unsuccessfully against U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman in 2006.

Yates wrote in his letter that he wants to strengthen the state party’s relationship with county parties, increase minority outreach, work with Republican legislators and develop a “Farm Team” to help recruit, train and finance candidates for local races.

“I would be remiss if I did not also say that one of the things we must do in our party is to still the hands of those in the party, particularly a few political professionals, who believe that they can profit from the use of half truth and duplicity to gain their ends,” Yates wrote. “Our party must stand for truthfulness and integrity.”

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