A contagious excitement about what lies ahead

This is the first of a handful of guest blogs that will run in the next few days related to the inauguration events in Washington, D.C.

By U.S. Rep. Harry Teague

I remember in sixth grade, my government teacher brought a little black and white television into the cafeteria, and we all huddled around to watch John F. Kennedy’s swearing in. Back then, just to be able to watch the ceremony on screen was a great privilege, and television was a relatively new thing. Washington, D.C. and Hobbs, N.M. felt like they were a world apart. I was lucky enough to be able to see and hear a part of a nation inaugurating a president, but the idea of actually standing in front of the U.S. Capitol for the event did not even cross my mind.

One of my favorite things to do, always as a parent and now as a member of Congress, is giving generations younger than mine opportunities I never had. And I’m proud to be doing just that today. A group of 15 students and five chaperones from Deming High School just left my office here in the Longworth House Office Building, right across the street from the Capitol. We had them over for some hot chocolate and discussion about their thoughts on Barack Obama’s election as president, and I was so happy to be able to provide them with tickets for the inauguration ceremony tomorrow. A great moment was when the Deming students and I discovered we will have something big in common tomorrow: It will be the first time any of us, me included, will watch a presidential swearing-in in person.

The kids literally raised thousands of dollars themselves to be able to travel here and experience, not only the inauguration, but all the monuments, museums and history here in the nation’s capital. Their excitement about the great things they believe are ahead for this country, even in these tough times, is contagious. I have already been able to work with my Democratic and Republican colleagues here in Congress and I am looking forward to working with the new president. I know we can move past the partisan politics of the past few decades to start bringing real change and hope and opportunity to communities in southern New Mexico and across America.

The students are not here just to watch a ceremony. They believe this inauguration represents the chance to renew our love for this country and our commitment to the great things she represents. It is an awesome responsibility that young people have given us, and I would not dare let down my new friends from Deming High School.

Here are a couple of photos of me meeting with the group:

Teague represents southern New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District.

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