Most voters in poll say cuts and/or tax hike needed

The majority of those who voted in last week’s non-scientific poll on this site said the Legislature is going to have to take some drastic measures to deal with the state’s revenue shortfall and balance the budget.

Of 132 voters, 48, or 36 percent, said the Legislature is going to have to cut services, jobs and other areas in the budget and raise takes. Meanwhile, 39, or 30 percent, said the Legislature will have to implement across-the-board cuts but not raise taxes; 17, or 13 percent, said the Legislature will have to raise taxes but not make budgetary cuts; nine, or 7 percent, said it will have to find ways to trim the budget that don’t include cutting services and jobs; eight, or 6 percent, said it will have to cut services only; six, or 5 percent, said it will have to cut jobs only, and five, or 4 percent, said the Legislature won’t have to do anything mentioned above.

Don’t forget to vote in this week’s poll, located at the top of the right column on this page.

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