Heather Wilson’s ‘exit interview’

The Albuquerque Journal’s Jim Scarantino has an interesting column today about his “exit interview” with outgoing U.S. Rep. Heather Wilson, R-N.M.

The column by Scarantino, a former columnist for this site, contains a few noteworthy tidbits, including Wilson’s tears as she talked about laying a wreath in the Philippines at a cemetery honoring 56,000 missing soldiers and sailors, among them some from the 200th Coast Artillery of the New Mexico National Guard.

“‘There’s one plaque. … 12 Garcias in a row. …’ Wilson remembers as she struggles for composure,” Scarantino wrote.

Wilson also had some advice for the struggling state GOP.

“Stick to our core values of the centrality of family, the importance of free enterprise and a strong national defense, values shared by most New Mexicans,” Scarantino quoted her as saying. “And be squeaky clean. Things people do in Santa Fe would put people in Washington in jail. It’s amazing to me the kind of self-dealing that seems to be standard practice in state government.”

Read Scarantino’s column by clicking here.

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