Voters saw Teague as ‘one of their own’

Lt. Gov. Diane Denish said Harry Teague’s victory in the 2nd Congressional District race tonight boils down to a simple fact:

“I think it is old-fashioned hard work. He has lived here for 50 years. They saw him as one of their own,” she said.

Teague, a Democrat, presented himself during the campaign as someone who could relate to voters in the district because he is one of them. And he attempted to portray his opponent, Republican Ed Tinsley, as someone who spent most of his time living in Santa Fe and lobbying in Washington.

It worked: with 90 percent of precincts reporting, Teague is leading 55 percent to 45 percent, and Tinsley has already called to congratulate him on his victory.

Teague said in a statement released by his campaign that he is ready to work for affordable health care, better education and a stronger economy.

“From Grants to Hobbs, from Santa Rosa to Silver City to Las Cruces, the people of New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District voted for change,” Teague said. “They want someone to change Washington so that it works again for the hard-working families in New Mexico who are struggling to make ends meet in these tough times.”

Tinsley, in a statement released by his campaign, thanked his volunteers for a hard-fought campaign in which he won several major newspaper endorsements. Tinsley pointed out that he was vastly outspent by Teague and groups that helped Teague.

“Today, I thank all our campaign volunteers and all of the voters — the farmers, ranchers and dairymen, the oil and gas crews the small businesses, and hard-working families making ends meet in challenging times. This campaign was about you,” Tinsley said. “I want to congratulate Harry Teague on a hard-fought race.”

Teague said he’s humbled by the support he received.

“I pledge that everyday I will work tirelessly on behalf of every resident of our district,” Teague said.

The New Mexico Independent’s Trip Jennings contributed to this report.

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