Report: Talk of Secretary of State Clinton premature

As I’ve already reported, there have been a number of media reports indicating that Hillary Clinton becoming secretary of state was likely or even a done deal. But The Politico says such talk is premature: Clinton isn’t certain she would accept the job even if Barack Obama offered it.

If true, that could be good news for Gov. Bill Richardson, who is angling to become the nation’s top diplomat.

The Politico quoted a “Clinton insider” who said media reports that portray Clinton as willing to accept the job — one went so far as to state that she had accepted — are inaccurate and “out ahead of the facts.” Clinton, the source was quoted as saying, is “torn” between the possibility of joining the Obama administration and working on health care and other policy issues in the Senate.

The media outlet said that matched with what “others close to Clinton” have been saying: that she “is conflicted and the deal far from done.”

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