Former Obama staffer to run Teague’s office

Harry Teague, the 2nd Congressional District representative-elect, has hired the man who ran Barack Obama’s campaign in New Mexico, Adrian Saenz, to be chief of staff for his congressional office.

“I am excited to have Adrian on board,” Teague said in a news release. “His experience working on Capitol Hill makes him a valuable asset in advocating for the issues important to New Mexican families: jobs, health care, energy independence and education. His strong ties to the Southwest, and New Mexico in particular, mean that he has a good sense of the needs of people here in New Mexico struggling to make ends meet in these tough economic times.”

Saenz has worked on several campaigns in New Mexico, most recently for Obama. He has more than seven years of Capitol Hill experience, most recently serving as chief of staff to U.S. Rep. Ciro Rodriguez, D-Texas.

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