Election Day voting appears to be running smoothly

I’ve already reported the bad news in Doña Ana County about the thousands of absentee ballots that are still outstanding. Now it’s time for some relatively good news:

Election Day voting appears to be running fairly smoothly, and turnout is good, several voters and people working the election say.

County spokesman Jess Williams said all 117 polling places opened on time this morning. A few poll workers were late or didn’t show up, but Bureau of Elections staffers went to those sites to help.

According to The Associated Press, the election appears to be running fairly smoothly statewide. In addition, the secretary of state put out a news release stating that there have been no major problems anywhere in New Mexico.

For stories about voters’ experiences in Doña Ana County, check out this article from the Las Cruces Sun-News.

Update, 3:40 p.m.

Check out the line of people waiting to vote today at Booker T. Washington Elementary in Las Cruces. Thanks to Cathy Chavez for sending in this photo.

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