CNN: Richardson appointment not a done deal

Despite other reports to the contrary, CNN is reporting that Gov. Bill Richardson is a “serious contender” for commerce secretary but his appointment is not a done deal.

“Two sources close to the transition team also said Friday that Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico is a serious contender for commerce secretary, but he could be tapped for another senior post,” the CNN report states. “The sources said they do not consider Richardson’s appointment to the Commerce Department to be a done deal.”

There has been a lot of rumor-mongering in this entire process, so it’s difficult to tell what’s going on. It should be noted, in light of the CNN statement that Richardson could get another job, that the governor has also been named as being considered for secretary of state and interior secretary. Richardson has reportedly also told the Obama transition team he’s interested in ambassador to China, special envoy to Latin America or heading the World Bank.

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