Tired of waiting for your absentee ballot? Vote early

Wondering why you haven’t received the absentee ballot you requested? If you’re starting to get worried, you can go to any early voting site in the state before early voting ends on Saturday and vote that way instead.

There’s been an unexpectedly long lag in people receiving absentee ballots because of the huge number of requests from people wanting to vote absentee. I know several people who are still waiting, and some have already taken advantage of Wednesday’s instruction from the secretary of the state to county clerks to let them vote early instead.

All you have to do is sign an affidavit at an early voting site saying you haven’t received your absentee ballot and fill out an application for a new one. Then, instead of being sent a new absentee ballot, you’ll be allowed to vote early.

For a list of early voting locations and times throughout the state, click here. Keep in mind that Saturday is the last day to vote early. If you don’t do it by then, you’re probably going to be waiting in a long line on Tuesday.

Vote. Do it now.

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