Teague loans his campaign another $500K

Democratic 2nd Congressional District candidate Harry Teague loaned his campaign $500,000 during the third quarter of 2008.

Teague’s total self-financing during the quarter matches that of Republican opponent Ed Tinsley, who announced last week that he also contributed $500,000 to his own campaign during the quarter, which was the first of the general-election season.

Teague’s announcement came in a news release that included some other details about his third-quarter fundraising. He raised just under $1.1 million from July to September. That included contributions from more than 1,000 new, individual donors who contributed to the $600,000 Teague raised from outside sources.

Including what he loaned his campaign during the primary, Teague has now loaned himself just under $1.3 million — about half of the $2.6 million he has raised for his campaign.

Tinsley hasn’t released details about third-quarter financing beyond confirming his own $500,000 contribution. Third-quarter reports to the Federal Election Commission, which include more detail, are due Oct. 15.

Including the primary, Tinsley has contributed $735,000 to his own campaign.

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