Richardson has a busy schedule during Cruces trip

Gov. Bill Richardson has a full schedule of events in the Las Cruces area today and Saturday.

He’ll be at today’s rally for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama hosted by Obama’s vice presidential running mate, Joe Biden, which begins at 1:30 p.m. on the Mesilla Plaza.

Richardson will then host a roundtable discussion on clean energy at the Southwest Environmental Center, 275 Main Street, at 4 p.m.

This evening, Richardson will attend a fundraiser for 2nd Congressional District Democratic candidate Harry Teague at the Mesilla home of state Rep. Joni Gutierrez, located at 2350 Calle de Parian, beginning at 6 p.m.

And on Saturday, Richardson will be joined by House Speaker Ben Lujan in attending a get-out-the-vote rally on Las CrucesEast Mesa to support state Rep. Nate Cote and state Senate candidate Steve Fischmann. The rally will begin at 11 a.m. at Los Compas Restaurant, 6335 Bataan Memorial West.

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