Obama speaks in Spanish in new TV ad

Gov. Bill Richardson helped unveil today what Barack Obama’s campaign is calling an “unprecedented” effort in the final days of the election to reach Hispanics that includes a TV ad in which Obama speaks entirely in Spanish.

In the new ad, titled “Sueño Americano,” or “American Dream,” Obama speaks entirely in Spanish about “how to get our country on track,” Richardson said today on a conference call with reporters. The ad isn’t yet available on Obama’s Web site or YouTube page, but Richardson said it’s airing beginning today in New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Florida and Virginia.

It’s one of three new Spanish-language ads Richardson said the Obama campaign is airing today. In addition, Miami Mayor Manny Díaz announced on the call that the Obama campaign plans to run a 30-minute commercial in prime time on Univision later this week. It will air Thursday at 7 p.m. mountain standard time.

Díaz called the push by Obama as the race heads into its final week an “unprecedented… outreach to the Hispanic community through the Hispanic media.”

“In my 30-plus years in political campaigns and political involvement, I have never seen anything like this before,” he said.

Richardson said the push is coming from a campaign that has made “the most aggressive Spanish-language media efforts in the history of presidential politics.”

In addition to not releasing video, the campaign has not released transcripts of the new ads.

Update, 7:30 p.m.

Here’s the ad in which Obama speaks Spanish:

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