Note to KOB-TV: Let Miller debate

Here we go again: Another TV station wants to exclude independent 3rd Congressional District candidate Carol Miller from a debate.

Earlier this month, KOAT-TV in Albuquerque caved to pressure and allowed Miller to participate in its debate along with Democrat Ben Ray Luján and Republican Dan East. Now, according to Miller, KOB-TV plans to exclude her from its debate scheduled for Saturday.

The situation is the same, so I’m going to simply quote from the article I wrote earlier this month calling on KOAT-TV and the co-sponsoring Albuquerque Journal to let Miller debate:

“Media organizations should know better. By excluding independent Carol Miller, they’re helping prop up the corrupt and morally bankrupt two-party system that dragged us into the current economic crisis and other problems.

“… But the media isn’t supposed to be part of that system. It’s supposed to be independent of the powers-that-be. Especially at a time when America is in crisis and the public is fed up with the powers-that-be, you might think the media would take seriously its responsibility to be independent of that system.”

Miller has received newspaper endorsements from the Los Alamos Monitor and Las Vegas Optic. She’s a credible candidate. Not letting her debate would be a disservice to the public that would discredit KOB-TV.

Contact KOB-TV and urge the station to let Miller participate in the debate. You can e-mail the station at and or call the station at (505) 764-2453 or (505) 243-4411.

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