Mexican actor to campaign in Cruces for McCain

Mexican Actor Educardo Verástegui will be in Las Cruces on Wednesday to campaign for Republican presidential candidate John McCain.

Verástegui, whose Mexican soap operas have been seen in more than 50 countries and by 10 million people in the United States, opposes the candidacy of Democrat Barack Obama because of his stance on abortion. Verástegui recently released a graphic video showing abortions as part of his call for voters to reject Obama.

He’ll appear on Wednesday at 2 p.m. at The Dream Center, 1400 N. 6th Street in Las Cruces, for a rally for McCain, according to an e-mail from the McCain campaign.

Verástegui has made the People en Español list of the 50 most beautiful people in the world. He has starred in movies including Chasing Papi, Meet Me in Miami and Bella. It was after his work in Chasing Papi in 2003 that Verástegui vowed only to work on “meaningful films that have the potential to touch people’s hearts and minds.”

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