GOP mailer wrong about Irwin’s vote on death penalty

A recent mailer from the Republican Party of New Mexico accuses state Rep. Dona Irwin, D-Deming, of opposing the death penalty and urges her constituents to vote against her in the Nov. 4 election.

Specifically, the mailer cites Irwin’s vote on House Bill 190 in 2007.

“Dona Irwin opposes the death penalty,” the mailer states. “… Serial murders, copkillers and terrorists deserve the death penalty because of their gruesome and horrible acts. Our families just can’t afford any more of Dona Irwin’s dangerous policies in Santa Fe.”

The problem is that the mailer is based on an inaccuracy. The bill, which would have abolished the death penalty, passed the House on a vote of 41-28. Irwin voted with the minority to uphold the death penalty. The bill died in the Senate.

The state GOP had no comment on its inaccurate mailer.

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