FBI probing 1,400 voter registration forms

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has opened a preliminary probe into 1,400 “potentially fraudulent” voter registration forms in Bernalillo County, the Wall Street Journal is reporting.

Bernalillo County Clerk Maggie Toulouse Oliver told the newspaper she had turned over the suspicious forms to law enforcement, and said that’s proof that her office’s review of forms that are submitted to her office works.

“That’s 1,400 cards here sitting in a file; they’re not entered into the system,” she said.

The revelation about the probe was part of a larger article about Republicans “reviving alarms” about voter fraud in New Mexico and other states. The article quoted state Rep. Justine Fox-Young, R-Albuquerque, as expressing concern. Even if illegal voting is rare, she said, “every fraudulent vote cast cancels out a legitimate one. This is New Mexico, where every election is close.”

The article points out that the controversial organization ACORN has worked with other groups to register nearly 80,000 new voters in New Mexico, particularly in the state’s “Democratic-leaning urban areas.” ACORN and other groups have been very active in Bernalillo and Doña Ana Counties, and ACORN has received its share of negative headlines in Doña Ana County.

According to the Journal, a sign at ACORN’s Albuquerque office states, “Anyone committing fraud will be reported to the Bureau of Elections, prosecuted and terminated immediately.” The group says it has fired about 80 worked in New Mexico since December because of concerns about potentially fraudulent registrations.

Check out the article when you get a chance by clicking here.

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