Biden rallies southern NM voters for Obama

Following today’s rally featuring Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden in Mesilla, a couple hundred supporters of Barack Obama and John McCain had a verbal standoff.

On one side were anti-abortion activists and McCain supporters armed with signs and graphic photographs of aborted fetuses. On the other side were energetic Obama supporters coming off the high of having just watched Biden give a rousing speech.

“Save lives, stop the war!” Obama supporters chanted.

“Save lives, stop abortion!” McCain supporters countered.

At another point, the McCain supporters chanted “Country first!” — a common McCain slogan — to which the Obama supporters countered with their own familiar slogan, “Yes we can!” The standoff took place in front of the Catholic Basilica of San Albino on the Mesilla Plaza.

Several of the McCain supporters actually attended the Biden rally, proudly displaying their McCain/Palin T-shirts during the event. Additional McCain supporters and the anti-abortion activists joined them on the Mesilla Plaza as soon as the Biden rally ended and law enforcement let them through a barricade.

Biden’s speech

Prior to the standoff, Biden gave a forceful and energetic speech on the plaza full of shots at McCain and substantive policy discussion as he sought to energize voters in southern New Mexico.

“To turn this country around, folks, it’s going to take not just a new president and vice president, it’s going to take all of us,” Biden told the estimated 2,400 in attendance. “… We’re not just looking for marginal change, we’re looking for real change.”

Biden called this the most important election in 76 years and referred to the struggling economy and the war on terror. He said an Obama/Biden White House would focus on two priorities: restoring the middle class and reestablishing America’s standing in the world.

Biden was repeatedly critical of the unpopular President Bush, who he said has been divisive and damaging. He said the United States can put those times behind it if Americans will unite.

“We are absolutely confident that we can get through these difficult times, and like every generation before us, come out better for it,” Biden said. “… Ladies and gentlemen, a lot of Americans have been knocked down, and it’s time we get up together.”

Biden had harsh words for McCain as he sought to link the Republican presidential nominee to Bush. He cited McCain’s desire to extend the Bush tax cuts as an example of how the two are similar and said McCain wants to expand tax cuts for the wealthy. Obama, on the other hand, wants to let the Bush tax cuts expire and instead give the 95 percent of Americans who aren’t the wealthiest a tax cut, Biden said.

“If it looks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, it’s a duck,” Biden said in comparing McCain to Bush.

Biden shared Obama’s plan to help the economy, which includes a 90-day moratorium on home foreclosures, a tax break for small businesses, a pledge of no new taxes for any family making less than $250,000 a year and the tax cut for 95 percent of Americans who aren’t the wealthiest.

NM politicos say Doña Ana County is critical

A series of high-profile speakers preceded Biden on stage. Democratic 2nd Congressional District candidate Harry Teague reminded those in attendance that there are 18 days until Election Day and urged people to vote.

“Do we want four more years of more of the same, or do we want change for New Mexico’s families?” he asked.

Jill Cooper, wife of Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Tom Udall, urged early voting and said, while polls look good for Democrats, they can’t take anything for granted.

“This election is too important,” she said. “There’s too much at stake.”

U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman said Obama and Biden “will lead us to a better day for America, get us back to what this country can do,” but said Obama and Biden “need to win Doña Ana County big” to make that happen.

Gov. Bill Richardson, who introduced Biden and stayed on stage during the candidate’s speech, also suggested that Doña Ana County and southern New Mexico will be the “decisive region” in New Mexico in the presidential race. He said the Obama/Biden ticket is “the best ticket that we have ever had in modern times.”

I’ll post additional photos from the event later, so check back.

Update, 11:55 p.m.

Here are some additional photos of Biden:

Obama supporters yelling at McCain supporters during a standoff following the rally:

McCain supporters who shouted back as sheriff’s deputies stood between them and the Obama supporters:

Richardson with Biden:




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