Tinsley wants another debate to focus on economy

Republican 2nd Congressional District candidate Ed Tinsley is challenging Democratic opponent Harry Teague to an additional debate to focus specifically on the economy.

Tinsley made the challenge in a Thursday news release.

“The nation and southern New Mexico are facing the most challenging economic crisis since the Great Depression. Reforming our nation’s financial regulators will dominate the political and policy agenda when a new president and Congress are sworn in just five months from now,” he said. “Our voters deserve to make an informed choice on who they want in Washington representing them during these difficult times. Their livelihoods are on the line. Therefore, I am willing to join my opponent at a mutually agreed upon time and place to debate this issue.”

Teague spokesman Alex Cole responded to an e-mail request for comment with this statement:

“We look forward to debating Ed Tinsley on the economy, including his record as a Washington lobbyist who opposed the minimum wage and who supported privatizing social security,” he said.

Cole didn’t elaborate on whether Teague was agreeing to an additional debate or simply planning to discuss the economy at one of the already scheduled events.

Both candidates have confirmed attendance at one upcoming debate and two forums. The televised debate will be held Oct. 19 in Albuquerque and is sponsored by KOAT-TV and the Albuquerque Journal. They’ll be in Las Cruces on Oct. 9 for a forum sponsored by New Mexico First and televised by KRWG-TV. And both plan to participate in a forum on Oct. 21 in Hobbs sponsored by the local chamber of commerce.

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