Pearce unveils new TV ads, slams actor Redford

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Pearce is out with three 15-second television ads that focus on energy and taxes.

Here are the ads:

Pearce also created Web pages for each ad that include supplemental information. You can find the pages by clicking here.

Tom Udall (Pearce’s Democratic opponent) will no longer be able to hide from his long public record of opposing drilling, building more refineries and investments in new nuclear energy. We are asking directly and publicly for Udall to stand up and defend the votes he made against the interests of New Mexico and the country,” Pearce said in a news release announcing the new ads.

The release states that the ads “are the first three in a series of ads due this fall that contrast votes made by Pearce and Udall.”

Pearce slams Redford

Meanwhile, actor Robert Redford is attending a fundraiser for Udall today in Corrales, The Associated Press is reporting. To get into the private reception, people must contribute $250. A photo with Redford will cost attendees $1,000.

Pearce also took aim at Redford in a separate news release, calling him “a great actor but a bad sign for all New Mexicans.”

“Robert Redford is a perfect example of the kind of ultraliberal activist that Tom Udall has allied himself with over the years,” Pearce said. “Voters need to be aware that Redford’s support signifies more than just Hollywood star power for Tom Udall. It also signifies that Udall supports Redford’s ideals and values, which go against the needs of the working-class people of this state.”

Udall, the release states, is a trustee on the National Resources Defense Council. The group, according to its Web site, uses “law, science and the support of 1.2 million members and online activists to protect the planet’s wildlife and wild places and to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all living things.” Pearce’s news release called it “an extreme environmental group that has opposed domestic drilling time and time again, despite the fact that Americans are desperate for relief at the pump.”

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